Welcome to my blog at! This is my very first post here at this site.

You may be familair with Break It Down! from my site. If not, check it out at I will be constructing this new site in the near future. It’s ultimate format has yet to be determined. If you have ideas about what you’d like to see me cover in this space, feel free to let me know by providing me your feedback.


Alpha Heel

4 thoughts on “BREAK IT DOWN!

  1. As an avid reader of your blogspot blog, I look forward to the flavor that you bring to this new spot. I expect it to get hot..I expect you to be “stunt’n like you suppose to”. ๐Ÿ˜‰


  2. As an avid reader of your blogspot blog, I look forward to the flavor that you bring to this new spot. I expect it to get hot…I expect you to be “stunt’n like you suppose to”. ๐Ÿ˜‰


  3. “Let’s talk about sex, baby”. Ha, remember the song? Seriously, what do you think the DNC will accomplish on Charlotte in Sept? Can they help get that 4%? What about African American first in the Olympics since that’s the buzz now. What’s left for African Americans to champion or at least show that the brain size and capacity do not differ. Oh and why bother about Gabby Douglass’ hair (which i have no beef) when we have Serena Williams wild hair in competition at the Olympics – is it the wind? Now that’s a blog – isn’t there an artist that sings a lyric that she is not her hair? We really need to mature in that arena. Our hair has been a point of contention for centuries and yet we’re now the fire starters? Who says there is not classism within the race?
    Oh and what about a blog on Attorney General Eric Holder. Have you done something already? I’d be interested in seeing what spin you take on that scenario. I’m done, holla back.


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